Second Ghana National Kaizen awards held in Accra

By Hafsa Obeng

Accra, Oct. 25, GNA – The Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA) has urged Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to adapt, innovate, and continuously improve to achieve success. 

The agency made this call during the second Ghana National Kaizen Awards held in Accra. 

Mr. Patrick Yaw Nimo, Chief Director of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI) stressed that the current highly competitive global market required businesses, especially Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), to possess contingency plans, be innovative, and adapt with resilience to achieve success. 

He said that MSMEs were crucial to economic growth and job creation, positioning their development at the core of the industrial transformation agenda.  

Organized in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI), the Management, Development and Productivity Institute (MDPI), and UNIDO, the awards recognised three MSMEs in the categories of Micro and Small, Medium, and large enterprises, along with an overall winner. 

Solution Oasis, a Micro and Small enterprise specialising in body soaps and creams, was named the overall winner after winning the Micro and Small enterprise category. 

The Medium enterprise category was awarded to Yedent Agro Group of Companies, known for producing cereals and maize, while Asheba Company Limited, which specializes in shea butter cosmetics, won the large enterprise category. 

Mr. Nimo said that the awards represented not just a ceremony, but the beginning of a new era in Ghana’s entrepreneurial journey.  

He noted that the essence of Kaizen lay in recognising that greatness comes not from grand gestures, but from the cumulative effect of small, thoughtful improvements. 

“The Ministry’s goal is to provide a short to long-term policy framework for the realization of a dynamic and vibrant real sector that contributes significantly to value addition, export diversification, and the creation of decent jobs, hence was excited to be part of the celebration,” he said. 

Mr. Nimo encouraged businesses to forge a viable path toward sustainable growth and development, stating, “It is important to conduct a critical self-assessment of performance by evaluating achievements and challenges, and finding innovative ways to address those challenges to meet set targets.” 

He emphasised that by establishing new standards of quality and efficiency, businesses would create a ripple effect, assuring that “the Ministry is ready to walk this journey with you.” 

“Together, we will build an economy where continuous improvement is not just a strategy, but a way of life,” he added. 

Mr. Nimo commended the award winners for their achievements. 

“You represent the pioneering spirit that will drive our nation’s economic future, and your commitment to excellence sets a standard that others will follow,” he told them. 

Mrs. Kosi Yankey Ayeh, Chief Executive Officer of the GEA, said the day was significant for the Agency, as it recognised the outstanding achievements of MSMEs and celebrated the Kaizen philosophy that had transformed workplaces and lives globally. 

She explained that Kaizen, a Japanese term meaning “continuous improvement,” was a concept the GEA proudly championed, embodying continuous progress, innovation, and transformation not only in the workplace but in all areas of life. 

“It is the commitment to making small, incremental changes that cumulatively yield significant results over time, has been the cornerstone of Japan’s industrial success, and today, Ghana has witnessed its remarkable impact on Ghanaian enterprises,” she noted. 

Mrs. Ayeh mentioned that in partnership with JICA, the GEA had introduced Kaizen to over 100 MSMEs across seven regions of the country, with thousands more trained in its principles. 

She noted that the awards, which began in 2019, faced setbacks due to COVID-19 but had returned this year, aiming to nominate well-prepared MSMEs with the potential to compete and excel in the African Kaizen awards.  

The initiative also seeks to publicize the benefits of Kaizen to encourage its widespread adoption among enterprises throughout Ghana and to create model Kaizen industries in all regions. 

Mrs. Ayeh stated that the awards were not just about recognizing excellence but also about celebrating the relentless pursuit of progress, the commitment to innovation, and the courage to embrace change. 

She added that the award winners would not only gain the honor and prestige of their achievements but would also receive ongoing Kaizen and business development support from the GEA.  

Additionally, they would be connected to markets and financial resources to help them continue their journey of growth and success. 

Ms. Momoko Suzuki, Chief Representative of the JICA Ghana Office, noted that the awards recognize the significant contributions of MSMEs to regional, district, and national economic development, and aim to impart the knowledge and practice of Kaizen in various regions of Ghana. 

She expressed hope that through the event, the benefits and positive impacts of Kaizen would be promoted throughout Ghana and across Africa.