AngloGold Ashanti builds capacity of queen mothers in Wassa Fiase Traditional Area  

By Erica Apeatua Addo  

Tarkwa (W/R), Oct. 15, GNA-AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine in partnership with Nana Abena Kunadjoa II, Queen Mother of Wassa Fiase Traditional Area, has organised a capacity-building workshop for queen mothers and women leaders on the theme, ”Becoming an effective leader”.  

The day’s workshop was to equip these influential women leaders to make independent and informed decisions that would drive the development of their respective communities.  

They were taken through discussions and training sessions that covered key aspects of leadership, including strategic decision-making, conflict resolution, and community development planning.  

These were not just theoretical concepts but practical skills that would enable them to navigate the complexities of leadership in their rapidly changing world.  

Speaking at the opening session of the workshop in Tarkwa, Western Region, Mr Stephen Adjei, Senior Manager, Sustainability, AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine, in a speech read on his behalf said, they recognised that true development was driven by empowered and informed leadership, and there was no better place to start than with their Queenmothers and women leaders who were the bedrock of their traditional governance systems.  

He said leadership was not just about holding a position of authority and making informed and independent decisions that uplift and inspired others, but it’s about having the vision, courage, and wisdom to guide their people towards a better future.  

According to the Senior Manager of sustainability, the capacity-building workshop was designed to equip the participants with the skills, knowledge and tools needed to enhance their effectiveness as leaders in their various communities.  

“We believe that by empowering you with these skills, you will be better positioned to continue driving positive change in your communities, to champion the causes that matter most to your people, and to lead with confidence and integrity.  

Your leadership is essential in ensuring that the development projects and initiatives we undertake together are aligned with the needs and aspirations of host communities” Mr Adjei stated.  

He expressed his deepest appreciation to Nana Abena Kunadjoa II for her unweaving support and partnership in making the workshop a reality, adding, “Your leadership and dedication to the welfare of your people serve as an inspiration to us all”.  

As a Mine, he noted they were dedicated to fostering a workplace where women could thrive and achieve success. We have implemented a range of policies and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion across our organization.  

These efforts include professional development programmes, mentorship opportunities, and flexible work arrangements for pregnant and nursing mothers. These initiatives have improved our environment and increased the percentage of female employees from nine per cent to 11 per cent over the last five years.  

He said beyond their company, they actively support initiatives that empowered women and promote education and entrepreneurship in their host communities.  

“Notably, through their Local Economic Development Programme, they have implemented a soap production project in New Tokunaso, agro projects in Teberebie, and piggery project in New Mankessim, which have contributed to improving the income levels to beneficiary households”.  

Mr Adjei recalled “We recently held a graduation and induction ceremony for fifteen young women in our Girls in Dressmaking Apprenticeship Programme and welcomed twenty new inductees. 

We have also constructed a Vocational Centre with a business unit equipped for commercial garment production in Teberebie to further support these efforts. We encourage you to visit some of these projects to motivate the beneficiaries”.  

He reaffirmed AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine’s commitment to supporting initiatives that empowered and strengthened the leadership capabilities of queen mothers and women leaders in its host communities.  

The Senior Manager, Sustainability thanked the queen mothers and women leaders for their commitment to leadership and encouraged them to embrace this opportunity to learn from one another and strengthen the bonds that united them.  

Nana Abena Kunadjoa II expressed gratitude to Iduapriem Mine for the huge investment they have made in their host communities, and said “God richly bless them and enhance their territories to always give back to their communities and beyond.” 

She also called on all queen mothers and women leaders who attended the workshop to practice what they have been taught to ensure they build more stronger and resilient communities.  

Nana Kunadjoa II advised Ghanaians to remain united irrespective of their political affiliation as they prepared for the December 7 general election.