UN office in Kiev says prisoners of war are being tortured

Geneva, Oct. 1, (dpa/GNA) – The UN Human Rights Office in Kiev has documented torture and ill-treatment of both Ukrainian and Russian prisoners of war during the current conflict between the two countries, according to a report published Tuesday.

However, Danielle Bell, head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine said that Ukrainian soldiers reported bad treatment throughout their captivity, while those from Russia said they had been safe from mistreatment as soon as they arrived in prison camps.

The UN office interviewed several hundred prisoners from both sides of the conflict.

The Ukrainian prisoners of war had experienced “widespread and systematic torture,” both upon their capture and in various detention centres and prisons in the occupied territories in Ukraine and Russia.

Among other things, they reported being subjected to mock executions, attacks from dogs and sexual violence, a lack of medical care, and too little food. At least 10 Ukrainians have died as a result of being subjected to these conditions, the UN said.

Despite constant requests, Russia does not allow outside access to Ukrainian prisoners of war, and the UN was only able to speak to them after their release.

The UN team did have unrestricted access to the Russian prisoners of war held in Ukraine. They had reported being beaten and tortured during their arrest or initial transport. However, they were being treated correctly in the detention centres and the facilities met international standards, Bell said.

She emphasized that any abuse would be condemned and those responsible held to account.