Zanlerigu-Gane community angry over activities of illegal miners 

By Gilbert Azeem Tiroog 

Gane (U/E), Aug. 29, GNA – Activities of illegal miners in the Zanlerigu-Gane Community in the Nabdam District of the Upper East Region, are making the people angry and disturbed.  

The illegal miners, in their attempt to find gold, have rendered several hectares of farmlands useless, with the growing concern being the reckless destruction of major footpaths and roads. 

A visit to the Gane community by the Ghana News Agency (GNA) revealed that an earth road linking the Asonge-pelungu road and the Gane-Zoring communities has been destroyed by illegal miners, making it inaccessible for motorists. 

The Asonge-pelungu road and major footpaths linking the Zanlerigu-Gane Community and Zuarungu in the Bolgatanga East District have also not been spared by the illegal miners. 

Mr Daniel Bugbon, a concerned youth, said his attempt to foil the activities of the illegal miners last Saturday was fiercely resisted with claims by the illegal miners that the land belonged to them. 

“When I approached them while they were digging on the road, I asked them to stop, but one of them, started saying derogatory words, claiming the land belonged to them and they could do as they wished, so I asked whether he flew from his home to that place and did not walk on lands belonging to others? 

“It had to take the intervention of others to calm the situation even though their activity on the road has not stopped and that is very worrisome,” he added. 

Mr Dok Pii, a farmer, said the activities of the illegal miners had negatively impacted farming and transportation in the community. 

“Apart from our farms that have been destroyed by the activities of the illegal miners, our major footpaths have also been destroyed, they act as though we are in a lawless community, even farmers who are not willing to release their lands to them are being forced,” he said. 

Mr Maxwell Yen, a resident bemoaned that if the activities of the illegal miners were not stopped by the security, it would extend to other places.  

Mrs Agnes Anamoo, the Nabdam District Chief Executive (DCE), said she had reported the activities of the illegal miners to security and was hopeful those activities would be halted. 

The GNA has gathered that a community meeting is to be held in the coming days to streamline ways to tackle the menace.