Cyprus swelters amid heatwave as temperatures soar above 40 degrees

Athens, Jun. 7, (dpa/GNA) – People on Cyprus are suffering from a heatwave that has lasted several days, with daytime temperatures rising well above 40 degrees Celsius.

On Friday, temperatures of 44 degrees Celsius were expected in the Nicosia capital region, according to the Cypriot weather service.

The heatwave, which began on Monday, is due to continue into the coming week, meteorologists said on Cypriot radio.

Even at night, thermometers have been showing values just below 30 degrees Celsius. Doctors say this is very dangerous because the body cannot get the quality of sleep needed to recover from the heat.

“It is swelteringly hot,” one tourist commented on Cypriot television on Friday morning.

The Labour Ministry ordered a stop to all outdoor work during the day. Electricity consumption reached the island’s upper capacity limit on Thursday due to the intensive use of air conditioners, according to the electricity company.

A power plant that was under maintenance has been reconnected to the grid for this reason.

Schools had to suspend classes on Thursday due to the unbearable temperatures. According to the teachers’ association, many children displayed symptoms of dizziness.

The Health Ministry advised people – especially tourists – to wear loose, light-coloured clothing, drink plenty of water and stay in the shade. Doctors repeatedly advised against consuming alcohol and fatty foods.GNA