Taliban court whips 10 alleged thieves in two Afghan provinces

Islamabad, May 21, (dpa/GNA) – The Taliban Supreme Court said on Tuesday that 10 people accused of robbery had been publicly whipped in two Afghan provinces.

Eight convicts in the south-western province of Nimruz received between 15 and 30 lashes, the statement said. In the eastern province of Paktika, two convicts were sentenced to one year in prison and received 30 lashes each, according to a separate statement.

The Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan has seen the reintroduction of corporal punishment, including execution and whipping, for crimes including murder, robbery and adultery.

The United Nations has criticized the Taliban’s use of corporal punishment, saying it violates the Convention against Torture, and has called for an end to the practice.

The Taliban authorities rejected the criticism, saying this form of punishment is in line with the law and is necessary to ensure security and safety for the public.