Member of Parliament inspects dredging works on Ledzokuku storm drains

Nii Martey M. Botchway

Accra, March 22, GNA – Mr Benjamin Narteh Ayiku, the Member of Parliament for Ledzokuku, has paid a visit to some storm drains in the Constituency where dredging works were ongoing ahead of the rainy season to assess progress of work.

The works, initiated by the MP, were to mitigate flooding and protect lives and property in the area.

Residents who lived close to the storm drains often have had to relocate during the rainy season, as their homes got inundated.

At ‘More Time’, a suburb of Teshie prone to flooding, the Ghana News Agency (GNA) observed heavy equipment and engineers at work, scooping sediments, including plastic waste materials from the storm drains.

In an interview with the GNA, Mr Ayiku, who had released the heavy equipment and men from his construction company for the works, said the exercise formed part of measures to prevent flooding that often accompanied the rains.

“The choked drains are not only a result of people dumping rubbish in them but also littering,” he said.

He advised the residents to desist from littering and dumping waste into drains and reminded them that choked drains had serious implications on their health.

Some of the residents said the dredging was timely and hoped that it would bring the needed relief.

They commended Mr Ayiku for his thoughtfulness, and urged other community members to practice good waste disposal, to help prevent choked drains.