Sremanu residents appeal for rehabilitation of deplorable roads 

By Agbaxode Emmanuel

Sremanu, (VR) Jan. 26 GNA-Residents of Sremanu, Have, and Wuxor Electoral Area in the Akatsi South Municipality of the Volta Region have appealed to authorities to reshape their deplorable roads. 

According to them, the road network in the area was bad and had been abandoned for years, and negatively affecting various businesses in the area. 

Mr Japheth Festus Gbede, the new Assemblymember for the area, explained to the Ghana News Agency that residents in the area have suffered for decades because of the situation. 

“My area is one of the deprived Electoral Areas in the Municipality. For the past seven years we have not seen any facelift in any area of development, most especially roads,” he stated. 

Mr Gbede stated that the dwellers, most of whom are subsistence farmers, who by virtue of the extremely deplorable roads, struggled to transport their farm produce. 

He said the situation had led to some drivers who ply the roads to be charging exorbitant fares. 

“I have written to organisations and some authorities to help put this road in good shape for use.” 

Mr Gbede said the situation had called for urgent attention and intervention in order to prevent economic activities from total collapse in the area. 

He is therefore appealing to individuals, philanthropists, corporate entities and the government to rehabilitate the roads to relieve residents from the difficulties and dangers experienced when plying the roads. 

However, Mr Kofitsey Martin Nyahe, the Municipal Chief Executive for Akatsi South, when contacted by the GNA, assured the residents of the government of continuous support in providing a convenient environment for economic, social, and other strive. 

Some residents the GNA engaged have also appealed to authorities to support their key areas of need such as electricity, water, construction of health centres, and others. 

Some major crops grown in the area are cassava, maize, cowpea, rice and sweet potato.