1992 Constitution must be reviewed to reflect the times — PPP 

By Isaac Arkoh 

Cape Coast, Jan. 7, GNA – The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) has reiterated the need for the 1992 Constitution to be amended to improve the governance system of the country. 

After 30 years of the promulgation of the 1992 Constitution, the party said a review of some aspects, which did not advance the course of democracy in the country must be effected to reflect the times. 

The party identified pertinent portions to be reviewed as; election of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) and total separation of powers. 

Others are decoupling of the Office of the Attorney-General from the Ministry of Justice, introduction of the Public Declaration of Assets Regime, and clarification of eligibility of Ghanaians in the Diaspora to hold public office. 

Mr Felix Mantey, the Director of Communication of the party, said until aspects of the Constitution were amended to meet development goals, celebrating that day would amount to nothing. 

He was speaking to the Ghana News Agency in Cape Coast on the commemoration of the national Constitution Day observed on January 7, each year. 

The Day seeks to celebrate the coming into force of the 1992 constitution of Ghana and  the sustainability of the Fourth Republic . 

Buttressing his views, he said Article 243 which dealt with the election of MMDCEs must be reviewed to stop abuse by the executive. 

This will prevent abuse of power to address the challenge where the President has to appoint the majority of ministers from Parliament. 

That, he explained, would promote a clear separation of powers between the executive and legislative branch of government and help Parliament perform its oversight responsibility over the executive. 

Mr Mantey also called for amendment to separate the Ministry of Justice from the Office of the Attorney-General. 

“It is important that the Minister of Justice, who is the government lawyer, is not the same person who is the people’s lawyer, and prosecuting crimes in the country.  

“People in the government also commit crimes, so we need someone who is outside the government to prosecute all crimes,” he said. 

Mr Mantey stressed the need for the public declaration of assets and liabilities to be published before and after one occupied and left public office to facilitate the fight against corruption. 

He said the Constitution Review Commission (CRC), a Presidential Commission of Inquiry, set up in January 2010, solicited views of the people on the operation of the 1992 Constitution and the changes required where necessary. 

The Commission was also tasked to present a draft bill for the amendment of the Constitution; however, he expressed disappointment that successive governments had failed to implement the recommendations contained in the CRC’s report. 

“The massive amount of money invested in the Constitutional Review exercise must not be allowed to go waste. 

“It shall remain a scar on the conscience of right-thinking Ghanaians if these fundamental changes and many other brilliant recommendations contained in the CRC’s report continue to gather dust,” he added.