Traditional Leaders reject moves to mine in Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site and Yenku Forest

By J. K. Nabary

Winneba (C/R), Nov. 2023, GNA – Concerned Traditional Leaders in Effutu and Gomoa Akyempim have called on the Minerals Commission to rescind its decision to grant mining concessions in the Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site and Yenku Forest Reserve in Winneba.

They indicated that if the decision were not revised, they would resist all attempts whatsoever to ensure the area was totally secured and protected for future generations.

They made the call at a press conference at Winneba to express their concerns over the issue and urged the Government to reconsider that agenda as announced by the Finance Minister in the 2024 Budget statement.

The Minister stated that permission had been granted to Green Metals Recourse Limited, a Mining Firm to undertake large scale mining in the Muni- Pomadze Ramsar Site and Yenku Forest Winneba which cover over 6.93 square kilometres.

But the conference, represented by leaders of the two Asafo groups, Youth, Adzebaafo, Fishermen and Fishmongers, Traditional Priests, Family Heads and other stakeholders in Winneba called for the permit to be withdrawn quickly.

There was also a delegation from Gomoa Ajumako Traditional Council represented by Obrempong Nyanful Kampah XI, Paramount Chief of Gomoa Ajumako Traditional Area.

Neenyi Kojo Sei II, spokesperson of Effutu, who addressed the press conference stated that they would not sit unconcerned for the forest reserve, their farmlands and the Muni Lagoon together with other water bodies in Winneba be destroyed and further render their community uninhabitable.

“We will not allow mining whatsoever to commence in the area to endanger the environment, destroy the topography of the area and drive wildlife away, destroying the source of livelihood for a number of people in Gomoa Akyempim and Effutu Traditional Areas who were dependent on the Lagoon resources.

“We have a historical linkage to the Ramsar site which defines their identity and with regard we condemn and reject the said move by the government that permit issued to that effect must be revoked forth with,” they stated.

According to them, several attempts have been made by the government to use the area for mining, but it was opposed by the traditional leaders and the entire people, hence, did not understand why Green Metal Resources Limited had been given permit to mine in the area.

“We are saying that the sacredness and integrity of the Aboakyer Festival bequeathed to us by our ancestors some 500 years ago, would be affected because the area is where the two Asafo groups in Effutuman annually hunt for live Deer fir the festival,” he stated.

The concerned Traditional Leaders indicated that Ghana was a signatory to Ramsar Convention to protect Ramsar Sites which are identified as important and Wetland, adding that the Muni Pomadze Ramsar Site was protected under the wetland Management Regulations 1999, LI-1659, which covers most part of the Coastal Winneba, the Pratu, Ntakorfa stream and the Muni Lagoon.

“We the concern traditional leaders in Effutu and Gomoa Akyeampem Traditional area are saying, it is a bad move by the government to give out the said area for mining.

“We will not sit aloof for it to happen, because of its a historical site is our heritage, culture, environment and economic ties and we need to protect it,” they stated.

Among the leaders at the conference were Neenyi Twerebo Onda II, Obatan Kweku Baiden, Neenyi Asaase Bonney and Nana Kweku Aiddo Vi, known in private life as Mr. Godwin Forson, Gyasehen of Gomoa Ajumako Traditional Area who represented Obrempong Krampah XI.

They all urged the government to quickly withdraw the said permit for peace to remain and the well-being of the people protected.