At least 17 dead after militant attack in eastern Congo

Kinshasa, Nov. 14, (dpa/GNA) – An attack in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo by the Islamist militia Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) killed at least 11 civilians on Monday night, according to the army.
Six soldiers were also killed in an attempt to push back the militants from the district of Watalinga in the state of North Kivu, military spokesman Antony Mwalushay told dpa.
According to Eugène Bwambale, a Red Cross worker in North Kivu, most of the victims were killed with machetes.
Eastern Congo is considered one of the most dangerous regions in the world. Around 130 different armed groups are said to be active throughout the country, which is roughly the size of Western Europe.
Many of the armed groups have battled for control of valuable natural resources such as coltan, cobalt, gold and diamonds. Coltan is an abbreviated name for columbite-tantalite, a dull metallic ore. It becomes a heat resistant powder when refined that has unique properties for storing an electrical charge.
The ADF, which originally began in neighbouring Uganda, has been active in Congo for almost 30 years. The group has ties to the so-called Islamic State terrorist group.