Create a conducive environment to attract investors – Rev. Dr. Adonai 

By Emmanuel Nyatsikor 

Adaklu Wumenu (V/R), Oct. 30 GNA – Reverend Dr. Bright Chris Adonai, Founder and Rector of Adonai University College, Ho has appealed to chiefs and people of Adaklu Wumenu in the Adaklu district to create a conducive environment to attract investors to the area.  

He said the area abounds in many arable lands which, when released to investors, would create job opportunities for the youth and help develop the area.  

Rev. Dr Adonai made the appeal in his address as the Guest of Honour at the Yam festival celebration of the chiefs and people of Adaklu Wumenu in the Adaklu district.  

It was on the theme “Community Development, the Role of the Youth.”  

He entreated the youth of the area to be innovative and venture into profitable businesses that would transform them and bring holistic development to the area.  

The Rector also charged the community to unite and take their destiny into their own hands by initiating and executing their own development projects.  

Mr. Kwame Agbodza, Member of Parliament for Adaklu in an address delivered on his behalf by Mr. Jerry Ameko, Adaklu Constituency Chairperson of the National Democratic Congress, assured the people that he would continue to prioritize the development of the area.  

He said work would soon commence on a nurses’ bungalow for the Adaklu Wumenu Health Centre to enable nurses working there to reside in the community.  

He presented an undisclosed amount of money to the community in support of their development projects.  

Mad. Juliana Kpedekpo, Adaklu District Chief Executive praised the community for initiating their own development projects and assured them of the support of the Assembly.  

Togbe Sekpe III, Chief of Adaklu Wumenu praised the youth of the community for their communal spirit.  

He said funds raised at the durbar would be used to complete a 10-seater water closet toilet facility initiated by the community and refurbish a six-unit Classroom block built in 2007. 

Togbe Sekpe hoped the completion of the toilet facility would bring an end to the open defecation in the community.  

He noted that the refurbishment of the classroom block, which had become a haven for miscreants, would create a conducive teaching and learning environment for the school’s teachers and pupils.  

An amount of over GHS 20,000 was realized during an appeal for funds for the two projects.