UN says Gaza is not getting the relief supplies it needs

Geneva, Oct 24, (dpa/GNA) – The UN says just 54 trucks with relief supplies, have arrived in the Gaza Strip since Saturday.

Tamara Alrifai, the communications chief of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), described that as a mere drop in the ocean on Tuesday.

In addition, urgently needed fuel for generators was not included in the shipments. Instead, rice and lentils were delivered, which cannot be cooked because people don’t have access to the water and gas they need for cooking, Alrifai said.

Before the escalation of the conflict on October 7, 500 trucks a day arrived in Gaza, including at least 100 with fuel and food.

Alrifai was speaking from UNRWA’s office in the Jordanian capital Amman to reporters in Geneva, via a video link. The supplies came from Egypt through both Israeli border crossings and the Rafah crossing.