The beautiful changes of Masumbu School

On June 26, 2023, the sun was shining brightly upon the Masumbu School of Masumbu Village in the Lualaba Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the sound of reading is echoing. The Masumbu School, which was built with the assistance of Somidez under China Nonferrous Metals Group (hereinafter referred to as “Somidez”), has just witnessed a beautiful transformation and is hailed as a precious “gem” inlaid in the African jungle. 

Somidez has been adhering to the concept of truth, reality, affinity and sincerity as well as the correct concept of righteousness and profit for a long time, actively fulfilling its social responsibilities, strictly abiding by various laws and regulations of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, scientifically and rationally developing and using resources, strengthening ecological and environmental protection, making relative great contributions to the local economic and social development, and playing an active role in promoting the industrialization process of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

Somidez is only one wall or rather one road away from the Masumbu Village. Since the commencement of the project construction, the two sides have established good relations as between neighbors, friends and brothers regardless of skin color and national boundaries. Keeping the well-being of the villagers on mind, Somidez has taken a set of measures vigorously in response to the people of Masumbu who have actively supported the development of the company, such as the construction of water wells, roads connecting the village, and providing the agricultural assistance. 

The Masumbu School at that time was an adobe house on the verge of collapse. The roof was damaged on a large scale, and the beams of the house were broken and in jeopardy. Nearly 100 students were crowded together, and neither the educational foundation nor the teaching quality was satisfactory. 

In August 2022, Somidez has taken the initiative to build a new school for Masumbu together with the Masumbu Village in the framework of nine projects and the campaign “A Hundred Companies in a Thousand Villages” that were announced on the 8th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). 

The newly built Masumbu School adopts a brick-mixed steel structure as well as aluminum alloy doors, windows and flushing toilets. The classrooms are spacious and well-lit, and the school offices are fully equipped, which makes the teachers, students and villagers overjoyed. 

On June 12, 2023, the Somidez Masumbu School was officially delivered for use. Du Xingrong, chairman of Somidez, and KANTENGA KAPENDA ALAIN, Minister of Education of Lualaba province, jointly completed the handover of the school. 

On site of the handover ceremony of Masumbu School

Minister KANTENGA KAPENDA ALAIN said at the handover ceremony: “Youth is the future of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. All the children in the village shall come to school. Only studying can lead us to a good life. Masumbu School is a precious ‘gem’ given to us by the Chinese. Let’s cherish it with our heart.” 

The changes of an ordinary school on the land of Africa have condensed the mutual affection of people both in China and Africa and demonstrated a wonderful era where people both in China and Africa striving forward hand in hand and share their destiny.