Education on Child labour must be intensified in schools 

By Stanley Awalime

Adidome  (V/R), June 14, GNA - Mr. Afasi Komla, the Regional Director of Africa Anti-Human Trafficking at Engage Now Africa has asked the Ghana Education Service and other organisations to intensify education on Child labour in various schools. 

He said awareness of Child Labour had been made around the globe and in the cities, leaving behind mostly the schools and communities that matter. 

The Regional Director of Africa Anti-Human Trafficking, who was speaking to the Ghana News Agency in an interview said a day instituted as a world day against child labour was not enough to create awareness and educate the public about the ills of child labour. 

He said the public must be educated on what child labour entailed adding “Any activity that deprives the child of their fundamental human right and take them away from school is child labour.” 

Mr. Afasi Komla added children were not prevented or advised not to help their parents, hence the reason for the different classifications of work. 

“There are heavy works and light works. The light works mostly help the child to grow and heavy works, which include illegal mining, and street hawking have a negative impact on the health of the child, he said.” 

Mr Afasi urged the public to assist in the fight against Child labour since it goes a long way to impact the human resources and development of the country. 

“160 million children around the world are engaged in child Labour, working in jobs that deprive them of schooling and are harmful to them, he said”. 

World Day Against Child Labour is celebrated on 12 June every year with the aim to eradicate child Labour. It is an event that is observed by United Nations member countries to raise awareness about the need to end Child Labour. 

The National theme of this year’s World Day Against Child Labour was “Intensify Action Aganist Child Labour, do it fast, do it Now. 

Engage Now Africa is an international non-governmental organization with the vision to heal, rescue and lift people in Africa.