Israeli army says attack foiled on Jewish settlement on holiday

Tel Aviv, May 26, (dpa/GNA) – An attack on residents of an Israeli settlement in the West Bank on the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, has been foiled, according to the Israel Defence Forces on Friday.

A Palestinian man allegedly entered the settlement of Tene Omarim on the southern edge of the West Bank on Friday, and tried to stab a civilian. The attacker was killed, an Israeli army spokesman said. “No injuries were reported.”

Israeli media reported that he had been shot by a guard.

The man had tried to attack worshippers who were at the local synagogue for Shavuot prayers, according to Israeli media reports.

The security situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories has long been extremely tense, with repeated clashes between Palestinians and the Israeli military in the West Bank.

The army has been carrying out raids in the area, since a series of attacks on Israelis that began more than a year ago.

Since the beginning of the year, 117 Palestinians have been killed, mostly in Israeli military operations, confrontations or after attacks of their own.

In the same period, 17 Israelis, one Ukrainian and one Italian were killed in attacks.

Israel conquered the West Bank and East Jerusalem, among other territories, during the 1967 Six-Day War. The Palestinians, on the other hand, claim the territories for their own state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.