Traditional councils inaugurated for Klikor, Somey traditional areas 

Samuel Akumatey

Klikor (V/R), Nov. 11, GNA – The Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs has conferred traditional council status on the Somey, and Klikor traditional areas in the Ketu South Municipality of the Volta Region. 

The conferment is in line with the provisions of the Chieftaincy Act, and a total of about 17 chiefs and queens were sworn in on the day at Somey, where the paramount chief is yet to be gazetted. 

The Members, which include four female rulers, would elect one from among themselves to head the Council in the interim. 

The Klikor Agbozume Traditional Council had about 23 traditional rulers sworn in as members at the inauguration, and has Togbuiga Addo VIII, as the President. 

Idrisu Issah, local Magistrate, swore them in, and administered oaths of membership, judicial and secrecy.  

Madam Lily Fati Soale, Acting Chief Director of the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, who inaugurated the Council, said the government’s advanced the Traditional Council statuses to help realise the needed community development. 

She said the Council would pave the way for the establishment of necessary structures, including committees, and appealed to traditional leaders to work “hand in hand” to help realize the ideals. 

The Acting Chief Director said leaders on the Council must therefore keep pace with processes and procedures of land administration and be abreast with the various dispute resolution tools aligned to the Chieftaincy Act, for effective delivery on the mandate. 

“The inauguration should be seen to integrate the people of this traditional area, especially our revered Chief to work hand in hand for endless development but not to disintegrate you,” she said, and reiterating the Ministry’s resolve to provide the needed staff and training for the Council. 

Harry Attipoe, Registrar of the Volta Region House of Chiefs, said membership of the Council only merited gazetted chiefs, and that others would be sworn into the Council when duly recognized. 

Togbuiga Addo, Paramount Chief of the Klikor Traditional Area and President of the Council, said this event was the culmination of an “enormous collective effort” that began in the late 1945, and paid tribute to the founding fathers of the State. 

“Our independence should be based on the transcendental roles of every chief and queen towards a fundamental role for the future of Klikor than individual agendas,” he said. 

The Acting Chief Director also inaugurated Traditional Council offices for the two traditional areas.