Afghan women demonstrate against work ban 

Islamabad, Oct. 31, (dpa/GNA) - Women in the Afghan capital Kabul protested on Monday against the ban by the Taliban on their going to work. 

At the rally in Shahr-e Naw city park in the north-west of the city, the demonstrators held up placards with their education certificates and demanded the right to work. 

Since coming to power in August 2021, the hardline Islamists have barred women from many professions and denied them posts in the government. The demonstration was broken up by the Taliban. 

Women in the north of the country also protested on Sunday against those in power in the country. Female students chanted “Education is our right” and “Death to the Taliban” outside Badakhshan University in the city of Faizabad after unveiled women were barred from entering the university campus. 

A video from a local radio station shows the women trying to gain entry by punching and kicking the locked gate and finally being forcibly evicted by a Taliban guard. 

Only last month, the Taliban cancelled some university subjects for women, including mechanical engineering and journalism. 

Women in particular have been taking to the streets again and again to protest the Taliban government. Nationwide protests took place last month after an attack on students of the Hazara ethnic group. Among the more than 50 people killed were mainly girls.