Project to strengthen peace building efforts launched in Gushegu 

By Albert Allotey

Accra, Oct. 14, GNA – The Pan- African Organisation for Research and Protection of Violence on Women and Children (PAORP- VWC), has launched a project titled, “FM Radio for Strengthening Peace Building and Violence Prevention Mechanisms (RASP- VPM)” in Gushegu. 

The Peace Project was organised by PAORP-VWC with funding from the European Union through Coginta-Ghana, a non-government organisation (NGO) working in the area of judicial, security, governance, social cohesion, conflict management and prevention, resilience, and peace building. 

The purpose of the launch is to involve Community members in the project activities, solicit their views and other necessary information to enable the project to meet its target. 

It is also to ensure that they listen to peace building messages over FM 94.7MHz radio at Gushegu, to achieve sustainable peace and violence prevention in Northern Ghana. 

It will also collaborate with the Municipal Assembly in the area to set up “listening points mounted with loudspeakers for public consumption of peace programmes,” at vantage points in the Gushegu Municipality. 

Mr Yaja Robert Dawuni, the Municipal Chief Executive for the area, commended the organisation for the great role it was playing in a bid to ending early Child marriage, child trafficking, violence against women and the use of the radio to promote peace in the Municipality. 

He expressed the hope that the radio station would be used to also promote economic activities and educate the people on issues relating to violence against women which had characterized most households in recent times. 

“Violence against women is gradually reducing daily in most communities in the area,” he added. 

He said the Gushegu Municipal Assembly was committed to supporting the organization in all its activities and called on Traditional Authorities to do the same to enable the Municipality to grow and develop. 

He warned the youth, husbands, wives, and the public to shun meaningless violence, considering its negative effects on society and developments at large. 

Dr Ndonwie Peter, the Director of PAORP-VWC urged the Chiefs and people to own the project and stressed the readiness of the organization to welcome constructive suggestions, input, and advice regarding the Radio Station. 

He commended stakeholders for their unflinching support to making the Peace Project a reality, adding that his outfit was poised to move Gushegu Municipal to the next level by way of developmental projects. 

He thanked the European Union and Congita for their endless support towards the project. 

He said considering the closeness of the Municipality to the border, the Radio could be of utmost support to educate and inform the people to be wary of insurgents and to report any suspicious character found around the communities to the security agencies. 

Dr Ndonwie said the organization would undergo expansion works by putting up infrastructure to cater for children, who might be rescued from being trafficked and introduce them to some income generating activities and skills building. 

“With this, they will be able to fend for themselves later in life and will not be liabilities to the family and Community at large,” he added. 

He said when the youth does not have skills to create self-help employment, they are at risk of being recruited by extremist groups. 

The Director hinted that the organization would commence a new project that involves the exchange of best practices in Child Parenting between the Municipality and neighbouring countries like Cameroon, Togo, Mali, and Benin.  

Dr Muma Centia Bili, the Radio Station Manager called for the cooperation of stakeholders and Chiefs to sustain the project. 

“If we really want to be at peace then we must work towards it now by preventing all forms of violence and radicalization,” she said. 

Ms Millicent Duet, Coginta – Ghana Representative, said Coginta was an NGO that had expertise in security and governance, conflict management and resolution and Community development. 

She said her outfit was currently implementing the NORPREVSEC programme in partnership with the Government and strengthening the judiciary services to meet International Standard. 

She said Coginta- Ghana was also into the promotion of peaceful co – existence among ourselves as community members, Community participation and the readiness of Coginta Ghana to support PAORP- VWC to prevent violence extremisms in Northern Ghana. 

She said her organization was working in collaboration with department of Community development to preach peace and development and appealed to the Chiefs and stakeholders to support the fight against violence extremisms and child marriage. 

The Regent of Gushegu, Abdulai Mahamudu, called on Traditional Authorities in the area, stakeholders, and the public to support PAORP-VWC in its quest to minimize child trafficking, early marriage, violence against women and their efforts to promote peace in the municipality.