Church leaders educated on security issues 

By Eric Appah Marfo/ Stanley Senya 

Accra, Sept.23, GNA – Church leaders have been sensitised to be security conscious and put in measures to ensure the safety of church members. 

The education centred on terrorism and security considerations at home, office and on the streets dubbed: the 3rd Edition of General Overseers’ Safety and Security Conference, organised by the Safety Communication Consult. 

The Reverend Commissioner of Police (COP) (Rtd) Dr David Nenyi Ampah-Bennin advised participants to avoid using desolate and dark streets at night aand walk in groups when using such streets and avoid carrying huge sums of money or bags containing valuables at night. 

He urged them to take cover when they heard motorbikes approaching whilst walking in a dark desolate place at night and advised against struggling with robbers, to avoid being killed or maimed for life. 

“When you are confronted by robbers and they demand your valuables or money, give them out quickly,”he added. 

The Rev Ampah-Bennin said they should keep an eye on artisans coming into their homes to work because some of them could end up stealing their items and only adults should attend to visitors at the door and not children. 

Dr Francis Sarkodie-Addo, Head of Facilities and Infrastructure, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), said a terrorist was someone who used unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians in the pursuit of political, religious, or ideological aims. 

He said they attacked could take many forms, notably, hostage takings, kidnappings, mass shootings, car bombings, and, frequently, suicide bombings. 

Dr Sarkodie-Addo said key targets for terrorist attacks included military and civilian government facilities, international airports, and transportation systems in large cities, high-profile landmarks, Universities, colleges, and schools. 

Other targets are large public gatherings such as market squares, power and water utility systems, food supplies, corporate centres such as banks, hospitals, amongst others. 

He said terrorist attacks normally started with the pre-radicalisation stage, where terrorists spread wrongful ideologies to blame people in authority for the woes of others. 

Dr Sarkodie-Addo said this act of pre-radicalisation was mostly carried out on social media and warned that Ghana was currently treading on such dangerous grounds. 

He said the Clergy was key in intensifying awareness on terrorism and advised them to use their platforms to diffuse the growing dissatisfaction and rebellion against the nation’s leadership. 

“Normally, our enemies are those close to us. Terrorists work with people from within and if those in the country are being radicalized, it is easy to aid outsiders to carry out their evil agenda.” 

“Let us not entertain insults or attacks on the country’s leadership. It is a form of indoctrination which must be discouraged. Once it is happening to one individual, it can happen to others,” he added. 

Dr Sarkodie-Addo urged Ghanaians to trust their instincts and report suspicious acts to the nearest police station or dial 999, 191, 18555 or 0302773695 (Police Control Room). 

He said they could also report to a Chief or Traditional ruler, District Chief Executive, Assembly member, or relevant authorities.