Top EU diplomat expects agreement on Iran nuclear deal soon 

Prague, Aug. 31, (dpa/GNA) - EU foreign policy Josep Borrell said in Prague on Wednesday he was sure negotiations to restore the nuclear agreement with Iran could soon be successfully concluded. 

“To me, it’s clear that there is a common ground, that we have an agreement that takes into account, I think, everyone’s concerns,” he said in a press conference after a meeting of EU foreign ministers. 

Efforts are underway to revive the 2015 Vienna agreement to set controls on Iran’s nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief. Tehran insists its nuclear research activities are solely for civilian use. 

The initial deal was struck in 2015 but fell apart a few years later during the US presidency of Donald Trump, who pulled out of the deal. EU negotiators have said a new version of the deal has been worked out and is only awaiting a yes or no from both sides. 

Borrell recently circulated compromise proposals for an agreement text among Iran and United States negotiators, describing the response he received from both sides as reasonable. 

“I am hoping that in the coming days we are not going to lose this momentum and we can close the deal,” Borrell said.