Swedish tourists receive severe sentences for drug possession in Iran

Tehran, Aug 30, (dpa/GNA) – The Iranian judiciary has confirmed heavy prison sentences against two Swedish tourists, accused of possessing large quantities of illegal drugs.

“The two Swedish citizens were arrested in February 2020, due to drug possession at IKA airport in Tehran, and sentenced to imprisonment and fines,” judiciary spokesman Masoud Satayshi said on Tuesday.

About 9,800 grams of opium were discovered with one of the tourists when leaving the country. He was sentenced to eight years in prison, 60 lashes and a fine of about $5,000 dollars, the spokesperson said according to the IRNA news agency.

More than 21,000 stimulant tablets had been found with the other man. According to the report, he is to be imprisoned for five years and pay a fine of around $30,000.

In Iran, possession of drugs in large quantities can be punishable with death.