The church has failed to build integrity, character – Rev. Mensah 

By Christiana Afua Nyarko

Accra, Aug. 26, GNA – Reverend Joseph Felix Mensah, the Chairman of the Apostolic Council, Great Commission Church International, says the Church has failed in its responsibility of nurturing people of integrity and sound character. 

He explained that the foundation of the church was based on the Holy Bible, which taught moral principles such love and compassion, which would lead Christians to eschew greed, bribery and corruption that affect the moral fiber of society. 

At a forum on Thursday to discuss how the church could help in building integrity and character to ensure good governance, Rev. Mensah said issues of morality and integrity were no longer of major concern, especially in educational institutions. 

It was organised by Advocates for Christ Ghana at the Legon Interdenominational Church, University of Ghana, on the theme: “Ghana @ 65: Assessing the Role of the Three Arms of Government and the Church in Promoting Good Governance”. 

He called on churches to lead Christians to adhere to biblical principles of piety, adding: “The Church has a moral foundation in the bible to uphold integrity. So, if somebody is building his conscience on scriptures, he cannot take bribes, be corrupt, steal while in government, or misuse state property.” 

He said some instructors working in some educational institutions were of varied backgrounds, who identified and promoted anti-moral ideologies and beliefs. 

Rev. Mensah said that had compounded society’s problems, lowering moral standards and integrity. 

 That, he indicated, necessitated the forum to deal with the seeming “moral breakdown,” which was negatively affecting facets of society and ridiculing the Christian faith. 

 “The Church has done well in providing education and employment to a certain degree. However, it is not doing well in working on the character of Ghanaians. The church needs to up its game in this area otherwise we will continue to have a situation where we have many Christians without proper character,” he stated. 

 Until the Church helped to actualise the bible in the lives of Christians, and preached moral sermons to transform the people, Ghana would continue to be plagued with immorality, including corruption, Rev. Mensah said.