EKMA creates more employment opportunities for teeming youth 

By Seth Danquah 

New-Site (WR), Aug. 25, GNA – The Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly (EKMA) in the Western Region is working to formalise  and register about 100 youth-led businesses with the Registrar Generals Department.  

The assembly, through the Business Advisory Council (BAC), has also created 604 new jobs through life skills and apprenticeship programmes. 

Mr Kojo Acquah, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of EKMA, told the Ghana News Agency that some 4,007 businesses also registered with the assembly to operate various businesses. 

He explained that new job opportunities created in a space of two years covered the training in the installation of CCTV surveillance, soap, sanitizer and antiseptic making, management training in purchasing and bookkeeping, entrepreneurship and financial literacy, among others. 

In all, 186 males and 418 females have benefited to spur growth of Small Scale and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and create employment opportunities for the teeming youth within the municipality.  

The Assembly, the MCE said, had initiated another skill set programme in fascinators, bridal fans and fabric bags, the preparation of local drinks, yogurt, ice creams for 80 participants from the Ghana Hairdressers and Beauticians Association and the Ghana Garments Association at the Kwesimintsim Zone and Effiakuma respectively.  

The MCE said  the Assembly was planning for the development of the Whindo area for a massive housing project to solve the accommodation needs in the Municipality.  

Mr Acquah noted that the Assembly, together with its partners, was working on the acquisition of land and the social amenities needed for the project.