ECG to restore electricity to Kroboland   

Accra, Aug 24, GNA – The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) says it will comply with the roadmap developed by the Ministry of National Security to bring back electricity to the Lower Manya and Yilo Krobo Municipalities.  

A statement from the Company on Tuesday entreated customers to support the Company to restore electricity to the two Municipalities, noting that it would be difficult if it was not supported in that regard.  

“We admit it will not be easy due to misinformation amongst customers in Yilo Krobo and Manya Krobo enclave, but we will entreat everyone to remain calm and assist ECG to serve you better,” the statement noted.  

It also called on all stakeholders to play their respective roles to ensure a congenial working environment and lasting peace in the Yilo Krobo and Lower Manya Krobo Municipalities.  

The Company expressed appreciation to Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, Energy Minister, and Mr Albert Kan Dapaah, National Security Minister, for their respective roles in bringing finality to the issue.  

It also thanked the political leadership in the Municipalities, including Members of Parliament, traditional leaders, Heads of religious bodies and opinion leaders for contributing to resolving the situation.  

Hundreds of residents in the Yilo and Lower Manya Krobo Municipalities were disconnected from the national electricity grid for more than a week after the service provider raised concerns of safety of its workers and the alleged tampering of its transformers.  

The Company had complained that its transformers were tampered with while ECG officials were often stopped from entering homes to audit prepaid metres, which were said to be full of debts.  

This led to discontinuance of electricity supply in the Municipalities, and the calling of a stakeholders’ meeting early August, where a roadmap was developed to ensure that electricity was restored in the affected communities.  

Traditional leaders in the affected communities had appealed to ECG to restore electricity.  

They explained that the unavailability of electricity in their communities had negative consequences on lives and properties, businesses, and social lives.  

ECG insisted that it would supply electricity to the communities after having the assurance that their workers would be safe in carrying out their duties on the grounds.