French hotel room rates rising as tourists flock back

Paris, Aug. 23, (dpa/GNA) - The French hotel industry is benefiting from tourists flocking back with room prices across the country rising by around one-fifth on average, industry organization MKG said. 

The Paris-based hotel and tourism consultancy organization said room rates rose by an average of 21.6% nationwide, while prices increased by an average of 35% in the capital. 

Foreign guests, especially from the United States, have contributed to high occupancy rates for hotels. They are also currently benefiting from the weak euro currency, which makes travel to Europe cheaper. 

It is not only the classic favoured destinations like Paris and the Cote D’Azur that are benefiting. The north and east of France also recorded strong increases in tourists. 

It is possible this was linked to forest fires in the south as well as the heatwave prompting holidaymakers to go to cooler destinations. MKG noted this trend might continue in future. 

The north-eastern regions also benefited from the return of tourists from nearby Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. 

French hotels are also showing signs of stronger business in the off-season than last year thanks to increased bookings.