Taiwan question is purely an internal affair of China – Chinese Embassy

Accra, Aug 09, GNA – The Chinese Embassy in Accra has reiterated that the Taiwan question is purely an internal affair of China and no other country is entitled to act as a judge on the Taiwan question.

A statement issued by the Chinese Embassy in Accra, copied to the Ghana News Agency said the position of the Chinese Government and People on the Taiwan question had been consistent.

“It is the firm commitment of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to resolutely safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity,” it said.

“No country, no forces and no individual should ever misestimate the firm resolve, strong will and great capability of the Chinese Government and people to defend state sovereignty and territorial integrity and to achieve national reunification and rejuvenation.”

It reiterated the relevant historical facts and China’s position on the Taiwan question and that in reality, facts about the Taiwan question were as simple and clear as ABC.

It said on 2 August, in disregard of China’s strong opposition and serious representations, Madam Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States (US) House of Representatives visited China’s Taiwan region.

It said this was a serious violation of the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiqués.

The statement said it had a severe impact on the political foundation of China-US relations and infringes upon China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

It noted that it undermined peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and sent wrong signals to the separatist forces for “Taiwan independence”.

It said China adamantly opposed and sternly condemned this and made serious representations and strong opposition to the US.

It said the origin of the Taiwan question had a clear historical context, and that the three China-US joint communiqués all cover relevant issues.

It said the one-China principle had long been the consensus of the international community.

The statement said the basis of one-China principle, both de facto and de jure, was unshakable.

It said in April 1895, through a war of aggression against China, Japan forced the Qing government to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki, and forcibly occupied Taiwan from China.

It said in December 1943, the Cairo Declaration was issued by the Chinese, US, and British governments, stipulating that Japan should return to China all the territories it had taken from the Chinese, including Northeast China, Taiwan, and the Penghu Archipelago.

The statement said the Potsdam Proclamation signed by China, the United States and Britain in 1945 (later adhered to by the Soviet Union) stipulated that “The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out.”

It said in August of that year, Japan declared surrender and promised in its Instrument of Surrender that it would faithfully fulfill the obligations laid down in the Potsdam Proclamation.

It said on October 1, 1949, the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was proclaimed, replacing the government of “the Republic of China” to become the only legal government of the whole of China and its sole legal representative in the international arena.

It said one principle governing PRC’s establishment of diplomatic relations with a foreign country was that it recognized the government of the PRC as the sole legitimate government representing the whole of China, severs or refrains from establishing diplomatic relations with the Taiwan authorities.

The statement said China and Ghana enjoy a time-honored friendship, forged by President Kwame Nkrumah, Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai, and other leaders of the older generation.

It said the two countries had always been good friends, good partners, and good brothers.

It said the Ghanaian Government had always adhered to the one-China principle and has never established so-called “diplomatic ties” with Taiwan or had any official exchanges with the Taiwan authority.

It said the Ghanaian Government had reiterated its adherence to the one-China principle on many occasions, adding that China deeply appreciates that.

It said China welcomes all countries to work with China to uphold international principles such as mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, uphold international fairness and justice, and safeguard the collective interests of the international community.