Defence for Children International holds Annual General Assembly

Kumasi, July 18, GNA – Defence for Children International Ghana (DCI), a Non-Governmental Organisation, promoting children’s rights and advocating policies that protect the rights of children, has held its Annual General Assembly in Kumasi.

The meeting which sought to take stock of its activities in 2021 also elected a new Executive Council to steer the affairs of the organisation for the next two years.

Also invited for the meeting were implementing partners of the “She Leads” project which is being implemented in six districts and municipalities in the Ashanti Region including Bosomtwe, Asante-Akim North, Asokore Mampong, Obuasi, and Kumasi Metro.

“She Leads” is a five-year project aimed at increasing sustained influence of girls and young women on decision-making and the transformation of gender norms in formal and informal institutions.

It is an initiative of Plan International Netherlands, Defence for Children International – ECPAT the Netherlands (DCI-ECPAT), African Women’s Development and Communication Network, and Terres des Hommes of the Netherlands with funding support from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Prior to the meeting, a Social Movement formed as part of the “She Leads” project issued a communique which demanded for gender equality and equal opportunities for both men and women.

The movement, made up of girls and young women promoting the women’s rights and empowerment also called for the full implementation of the National Gender Policy in the communique.

Professor George Oppong, Executive Director of DCI-Ghana told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) on the side-lines of the meeting that the General Assembly was mandated to meet annually to take important decisions regarding the operations of the organisation.

He said the Assembly, among other things, approved the plans and budget of the organisation for the year and also reviewed membership to ensure high commitment level of every member.

Newly elected Executive Council Members are Sarah Owusu Ansah, President; Stella Owusu Boatemaa, Vice President; Atwenewaa Duah, Treasurer; Emmanueal Kumi, Organiser; and Isaac Osei Agyemang, Child Participation Officer.


Defence for Children International holds Annual General Assembly

Kumasi, July 18, GNA – Defence for Children International Ghana (DCI), a Non-Governmental Organisation, promoting children’s rights and advocating policies that protect the rights of children, has held its Annual General Assembly in Kumasi.

The meeting which sought to take stock of its activities in 2021 also elected a new Executive Council to steer the affairs of the organisation for the next two years.

Also invited for the meeting were implementing partners of the “She Leads” project which is being implemented in six districts and municipalities in the Ashanti Region including Bosomtwe, Asante-Akim North, Asokore Mampong, Obuasi, and Kumasi Metro.

“She Leads” is a five-year project aimed at increasing sustained influence of girls and young women on decision-making and the transformation of gender norms in formal and informal institutions.

It is an initiative of Plan International Netherlands, Defence for Children International – ECPAT the Netherlands (DCI-ECPAT), African Women’s Development and Communication Network, and Terres des Hommes of the Netherlands with funding support from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Prior to the meeting, a Social Movement formed as part of the “She Leads” project issued a communique which demanded for gender equality and equal opportunities for both men and women.

The movement, made up of girls and young women promoting the women’s rights and empowerment also called for the full implementation of the National Gender Policy in the communique.

Professor George Oppong, Executive Director of DCI-Ghana told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) on the side-lines of the meeting that the General Assembly was mandated to meet annually to take important decisions regarding the operations of the organisation.

He said the Assembly, among other things, approved the plans and budget of the organisation for the year and also reviewed membership to ensure high commitment level of every member.

Newly elected Executive Council Members are Sarah Owusu Ansah, President; Stella Owusu Boatemaa, Vice President; Atwenewaa Duah, Treasurer; Emmanueal Kumi, Organiser; and Isaac Osei Agyemang, Child Participation Officer.