Feeding fee reports untrue—Mfantsipim school

Cape Coast, July 12, GNA-The Mfantsipim School has denied media reports that it is charging parents GHC250.00 to cater for the feeding of the students.

Rev. Ebenezer Aidoo, the Headmaster of the school, indicated in an interview with the Ghana News Agency that the reports were false and should be disregarded by the public.

“Whatever is out there is untrue. I do not know where they got that information from, but I can assure you that there are no plans or any intention to do such a thing,” he said.

Media reports suggested that the Mfantsipim School and the Wesley Girls Senior High School (SHS) are charging parents GHC250.00 and GHC500. 00 respectively amid shortage of food in SHSs to mitigate the situation.

Checks by the GNA, however, indicated that even though the Mfantsipim School is facing a challenge for food, the allegation of demand for feeding fee was untrue.

A teacher, some caterers and some students the GNA engaged were all consistent that the report was false.

“Where is this coming from? It is not true that we are taking any money from parents or students for feeding,” the teacher emphasised.

A student, however, explained that some parents who were aware of the school’s situation with regard to feeding were voluntarily supporting the school with some cash and food.

A caterer also maintained that it was true that the school did not have enough food for the students but denied taking money from parents for such purposes.

“The situation here is that we are not getting food commodities in adequate quantities.

“There is a timetable for the students but we don’t follow it because we only cook what is available for them,” she added.