KOICA donates COVID-19 diagnostics kits valued at USD748,000 to Ghana

Accra, April 15 GNA – The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) on Wednesday donated COVID-19 diagnostics kits and logistics worth USD 748,000 to support Ghana’s COVID-19 response.

The donation is also expected to aid vaccine deployment across the country.

The items comprised 63,000 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Covid-19 test detection kit, 63,000 PCR COVID-19 Test Swab and Stool,150,000 Auto Disabled Syringe,10,625 Safety Boxes and 100 Vaccine Carrier.

Mr Mooheon Kong, KOICA’s Country Director to Ghana, who presented the items said the gesture was part of a grant management signed between KOICA and MoH on 16 June 2021 to support Ghana’s COVID-19 response.

“The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) provided technical support for the procurement of the items in consultation with the Ministry,”he said.

Mr Kong said KOICA remained resolute in its quest to support Ghana achieve its Universal Health Care(UHC) goals, primary health care delivery and health security.

He said the diagnostic kit utilises advanced technologies that would enable local laboratories detect the various COVID-19 variants from the samples taken.

The Minister of Health, Mr Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, who received the items thanked KOICA for its continued support to strengthening health interventions in Ghana.

Mr Agyeman-Manu said in the wake of the COVlD-l9 pandemic,KOICA supported Ghana through the donation of PPEs and other Medical supplies.

“KOICA also pledged and provided a grant aid of USS747.500.00 for the procurement of vaccines to support the COVID -l9 vaccination agenda,” he said.

The Minister said due to the global COVID-l9 vaccine supply-chain challenges, the Health Ministry and KOICA agreed to re-programme the grant aid for the procurement of other COVID-19 Response items, which were equally important for the National Response Strategy.

He said the items would be donated to priority areas to boost the national COVID-19 response strategy.