Border not fully opened—Aflao residents

Aflao (VR), March 29, GNA- Residents of Ketu South, particularly, Aflao have expressed reservations on the border reopening taking effect March 28.

The country’s land and sea borders had been reopened two years since they were shut to human traffic following the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020.

Some residents who spoke to the Ghana News Agency in an interview welcomed the announcement on the reopening saying, it held hopes of a return to their normal business activities but wished more was done to make long held dream come to pass quickly.

They said the reopening of the border by both Ghana and Togo through bilateral negotiations would have offered them the relief they needed for their businesses to bounce back.

A head potter, Madam Dona Agbogbo, said she was grateful to God for the reopening of the border but wondered its impact on her business explaining, she might encounter difficulties attempting to cross into the neighbouring Togo to ply her trade.

A bread seller at the border, Madam Georgina Atsu, said she stayed on, on Sunday to watch the President deliver the announcement with hopes that their woes were going to be over but said, “it’s clear to me now that the Aflao Border is only partly open.”

“Though the border is open, its’ not truly open because you cannot cross into Togo freely. We have a President who is also the ECOWAS Chairman. I’ll plead with him to do something, so we don’t get stranded at the Togo side of the border which is still closed to human traffic,” Madam Juliana Afedo, another resident appealed.