Dodo Paramount Chief appeals for road construction

Dodo-Fie (O/R), Jan 25, GNA – The Paramount Chief of Dodo Traditional Area, Daasebre Oduro Guranim I, has appealed to the government to construct the Dodi-Papase through Amanfrom to Pepesu roads.

He said the government needed to urgently construct the road to open up the corridor to commuters and commerce.

Daasebre Guranim I said this in an interview with the GNA at Dodo-Fie in the Kadjebi District of the Oti Region.

“Equally dear to my heart is the construction of a road from Dodo-Fie, the capital seat of my traditional area, to Dapaa Junction,” he said.

He said the neglect of those roads had left farmers and traders in the area unable to transport their farm produce to the marketing centres in Kadjebi, Jasikan, Hohoe, Ho, and Accra, among others, resulting in post-harvest losses.

He said the roads had deteriorated to the extent that road users had now resorted to alternative routes such as the Dodo-Pepesu via Dodo-Dompa and Dapaa Junction-Dodo-Amanfrom roads, making life unbearable for commuters.

He said although the people of the area were hardworking farmers who cultivated cocoa, plantain, cassava, banana, cocoyam, and maize, among others, they could not enjoy the fruit of their labour due to the awful nature of the road network in the area.

Daasebre Guranim said the health implications of the deplorable state of the road networks could not be underestimated as pregnant women in labour and other patients, who were supposed to be conveyed via those roads ended up losing their lives.

He appealed to the government through the Ministry of Health to upgrade the Dodo-Amanfrom Health Centre to Polyclinic status to help address the many health challenges.

Daasebre Guranim also called on the Kadjebi District Assembly to renovate, fence and provide additional market sheds in the Dodo-Amanfrom Market, the biggest market in the Kadjebi District to help raise more Internally-Generated Fund (IGF) for the Kadjebi District Assembly.

He said the Dodo-Amanfrom Police Post, which was also in a very terrible state, should be refurbished and more personnel posted to help fight crime in the area.

Dasebre Guranim also called for the establishment of Technical, Vocational Institute at Dodo-Amanfrom to train the teeming unskilled youth in the area.