Pursue peace, eschew violence this Christmas season—Presiding Bishop

Accra, Dec.18, GNA—The Most Reverend Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo, Presiding Bishop, Methodist Church, Ghana has advised Ghanaians to eschew all forms violence and rather pursue peaceful co-existence.

He said Christmas was a time of peace and reconciliation, as such, in all their dealings, they should get rid of enmity and patch up their differences.

The Presiding Bishop was delivering his Christmas and New Year message to the Christian Community.

He urged the well-to-do in society to lend a helping hand to the poor, children and marginalised for them to appreciate God’s benevolence towards humanity as Christ offered himself as a gift for the salvation of the world.

Most Rev Boafo advised the motoring public to carry out their activities within the confines of the law by observing all road traffic regulations to reduce the road carnage in the country.

He said inasmuch as Christmas was a period of merry-making, Ghanaians should not let their guard down with regard to the observance of all COVID-19 safety protocols.

Most Rev Boafo also encouraged those who were yet to take their COVID-19 jabs not to postpone it any longer because the more citizens got vaccinated, the faster the nation reached herd immunity against the virus.

He advised the Clergy to be circumspect in their prophetic utterances ahead of the New Year, adding that, they should only focus on projecting what was positive and uplifting.

“The New Year will come mixed with hopes and anxiety. Let us be careful with our pronouncements so that we do not add more hardships to what Ghanaians may already be going through. Let us do away with prophecies of death and negativity as they only project fear. Prophesy about only what you have seen and heard from God is what we need,” he advised.

The Presiding Bishop wished all Ghanaians a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, and asked for God’s blessings upon the nation.