World Vision Ghana commissions borehole for Mirigu basic school

Mirigu (U/E), Sept 1, GNA – The World Vision Ghana, a Christian humanitarian development and advocacy organization has constructed and handed over a borehole to the pupils and staff of Mirigu basic school in the Kassena-Nankana West District of the Upper East Region.

The facility valued at GH¢27,000.00 and funded by the World Vison Ghana Board, was constructed in 2019 and was in response to the acute water challenges that confronted the school leading to disruption in academic activities.

It also supported the school to establish a vegetable garden and trained a maintenance committee to manage the borehole to ensure durability and maximum impact.

The borehole is already benefitting about 710 pupils and staff of Mirigu Primary and Junior High Schools.

At a ceremony to commission the project, Mr Charles Waawula, the Officer in charge of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) at World Vision Ghana, noted that the full package of the project included; the construction of the borehole, quality water analysis, training of maintenance committee to oversee the operation and maintenance of the borehole avoid breakdown and fencing.

Mr Waawula said prior to the construction of the borehole, the staff and pupils and the Mirigu Senior High School depended on a weak borehole for water that regularly broke down and did not meet the water needs of the school.

“It was very common to find people loitering around looking for water during class hours and this affected contact hours, punctuality and as well absenteeism,” he added.

The WASH Officer explained that as result of the training, the school’s management had leveraged waste water generated from the borehole to establish a vegetable garden to produce vegetables for sale to generate revenue for the maintenance of the facility.

He added “I must add that the school is benefitting from the school feeding programme and the school’s kitchen staff have started using the vegetables in the preparation of food.”

Mrs Afuah Gartey, the Board Chairperson of World Vision Ghana, noted that project was funded from personal contributions of members of the board and urged management of the school to ensure that the facility was properly maintained to continuously provide water for the pupils.

“It is our prayer that as such projects are undertaken in your communities, you do your part to ensure that these projects are maintained. That gives us a lot of confidence to do more,” she added.

Naba Anthony Abisa Anonsona Atasige III, the Paramount of Chief of the Mirigu Traditional Area in speech read on his behalf expressed gratitude to World Vision Ghana for the continues support it offered the communities especially in the area of children’s welfare and education.

Naba Atasige III, who is also the Vice President of the Upper East Region House Chiefs recalled the numerous interventions by World Vision Ghana including; the provision of teaching materials, classroom blocks, furniture and bicycles among others to school children in the area.

The Paramount Chief however appealed to World Vision Ghana to continue to offer support to schools in the area to improve upon quality of education.

Reverend Oscar Ayizuo Apinya, the Chairman of the School Management Committee (SMC), noted that the borehole did not only help prevent the pupils from going home early because of lack of water, but also provided water that enabled the staff and pupils to observe the coronavirus preventive measures of frequent hand washing.