Anum Apapam community sensitised on HIV and AIDS

Anum Apapam (E/R), May 29, GNA – The GAP Health Aid Foundation, a non-governmental organisation, has engaged Anum Apapam community members on the need to protect themselves against HIV/AIDs by living a positive lifestyle.

The HIV and AIDS sensitization programme was done in collaboration with the Department of Social Welfare of Ayensuano District Assembly and the District Health Directorate of Ayensuano.

Mrs Gina Akua Padi, Executive Director of GAP Health Aid Foundation, explained that the advocacy was aimed at educating the community on the need to live a positive life.

The programme, held at the Anum Apapam Market Square, was on the theme: “Global solidarity, shared responsibility, and Personal Commitment.”

Mrs Padi said it was part of the GAP Health Aid Foundation’s ongoing HIV and AIDS advocacy and intervention programme within the district in the Eastern Region to impart into residents a true sense of responsibility of living a positive life.

Mr George Aboagye, a nurse at Anum Apapam Community Hospital, charged the members not to lose sight of the fact that HIV and AIDS were real, and, “still lives with humanity.”

He highlighted several causes, effects, and preventive measures of the viral disease, stressing, “The HIV is blood-related, hence can spread mainly through blood contact; sexual intercourse and blood transfusion.
It could also be transmitted through sharing of sharp objects such as blades, needles and knives.

“Pregnant women living with HIV can equally transmit it to their unborn babies during delivery if they are not put on treatment,” Mr Aboagye added.

However, he stated, “HIV cannot spread through eating, shaking of hands and bathing together with an infected person.”

He charged young people to stay true and faithful to their partners and if possible stay away from sex before marriage or use condoms to protect themselves from getting infected.

He noted that as the world was fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, HIV and AIDS should not be overlooked since new infections emerge each day.

In a statement, Assembly Member of Anum Apapam South Electoral Area, Mr Douglas Adu Gyamfi, expressed gratitude to the organisers for choosing the community.

“This is the second time we’ve had an event such as this, but I must say this is an improvement to the previous one because people were bold enough to come out to ask questions bothering their minds and test to know their [HIV] status too,” he said.

He also advised the youth to take caution with their behaviour towards sex, saying, “AIDS is real and is no respecter of persons.”

Mr Franicis Adjatey, Community Development Officer of Ayensuano District Assembly, described the programme as successful and well patronised as compared to similar events held in the past.

He noted that the high patronage of condoms and testing at the event was an indication of increased awareness about the need for protection against the virus.

HIV and AIDS-free screening was conducted during the event.