Deputy Western Regional Police Commander inspects crime scene at Adamus Mines

Salman (W/R), March 20, GNA – The Deputy Western Regional Police Commander, DCOP Adusah Poku has visited the crime scene at the Adamus Resources Limited at Salman.
The visit was to ascertain the facts in connection with clashes between the youth of Akango and police officers at the Mines, which left one person dead with police officers on duty sustaining injuries.

He was accompanied by the Regional Crime Officer, Chief Superintendent Mr Boryor, Supol Mr Philbert Zubaviel Regional Operations Commander, Superintendent Mr Bismark Achaab, Takoradi RDF Commander, DSP Mr Kwaku Ayepah, the Regional Staff Officer, DSP Olivia Adiku, Western Regional PRO and a team of personnel from the Regional Headquarters.

At the Esiama Division, the team was to familiarize themselves and obtain first-hand information on the attack on the workers and police men at Adamus Resource Ltd that resulted in the death of one Enock Akurigu Adonba with multiple injuries on policemen on duty in the Mines and destruction of vehicles and machinery valued several millions of Cedis belonging to Adamus Resource Ltd.

It is recalled that the youth of Akango went on the rampage last week when one of the excavators working around one of the pits of Adamus damaged their light pole leaving the community in total blackout in the night.

The Regional police Commander’s first point of call was at Axim Municipal Assembly, where he held a meeting with the MCE, Mr Frank Okpenyen, the DCE of Ellembelle District Mr Kwasi Bonzo.

The others are, the Divisional police Commanders of Esiama and Axim ACP Mr Godact Hlordzi and C/Supol Mr Ponubyin respectively, the District police officer of Esiama Supol. Mr.Thomas Bayor, the General manager of Adamus Mr. Adusei, the security manager, Mr Alhassan Muniru, and the community relations officer, Mr Joseph Baah.

At the meeting, the chief of Akango Nana Kwasi Afari II, the Gyaasehene and representatives of the youth were also present.

After listening to all the parties, the Regional police Commander assured the entire stakeholders of the police preparedness and commitment to maintain peace and order in the area.

He reiterated that the incident would be deeply investigated and anyone found culpable, would be severely dealt with according to the law.

He tasked the chief of Akango to produce one of the rifles that was seized by the youth of Akango, otherwise police would have to employ all means to retrieve the weapon since it was the property of the State.

From Axim, the Regional Commander with his Entourage and all other Stakeholders who were present at the meeting moved to Akango, where they visited the bereaved family and sympathised with them.

At the gathering, The Deputy Regional Commander assured the bereaved family of police support and donated a cash of GH¢ 2,000.

The Regional Police Commander later met the chief, the Assemblyman, opinion leaders and the youth at the community centre.

He advised the youth to be law abiding and tasked them to return the rifle through the chief or their opinion leaders since it was a property of the State.

He further reiterated that the rifle being in the hands of an individual was a threat to the Community and the Nation at large.

Soon after the community engagement, the Regional Commander and his entourage proceeded to the scene of crime in one of Adamus pits near Akango, where he saw the six new trucks allegedly damaged by the youth of Akango.

One Toyota pick-up vehicle was burnt to ashes and fuel siphoned from about five bulldozers and other machinery at the site.