Children at Doggoh unable to attend school in rainy season

Doggoh, (UW/R), Dec. 23, GNA – The residents of Doggoh in the Kunzokala Electoral Area, Jirapa Municipality, have bemoaned the inability of their children to attend school at Kunzokalaa because the community has no school.

They said children in the community had to trek several kilometers to cross a river before they could access education at the nearest school at Kunzokalaa, which was several kilometers away from the Doggoh.

Mr Alfred Bagooro, a resident of the community, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview at the community that the lack of school, especially Kindergarten, at the community was adversely affecting the education of their children.

Mr Bagooro said some children had lost interest in education due to the long distance of the community from the nearest school, while some parents did not allow their little children to go to school, especially in the rainy season because they would have to cross a river.

“There is a river here that joins the Black Volta, when it rains no child can cross it. So when it rains no child goes to school, and when they are in school and it rains, they cannot come home. So, if we have a KG here for the children it would help us a lot”, he explained.

According to Mr Bagooro, some parents had to force their children to go to school because the children complain of tiredness from trekking long distances daily to school.

Madam Cecelia Bellintaa, another resident of the community, noted that the lack of school, particularly, Kindergarten in the community, coupled with long distance to the school had resulted in late enrollment of children in school.

“If we had a school where we can leave our children there every morning and go about our farm activities until afternoon time then we will go for them”, She added.