Criminal charge to be laid against S. Africa’s ex-president Zuma

JOHANNESBURG, Nov. 23, (Xinhua/GNA) – Criminal charges would be laid against South African former president, Jacob Zuma, for walking out of the state capture inquiry without permission on Friday, said Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo on Monday.

“I have decided to request the Secretary of the Commission to lay a criminal complaint with the South African Police against Mr Zuma so that the police can investigate his conduct,” Zondo, Head of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture.

Zuma walked out of the Commission last week, during a break while he had been summoned to be there. He left without authorisation after his application asking the chair to recuse himself had been thrown out.

Zuma said he no longer wanted to appear before the inquiry after accusing Zondo of being biased towards him.

Zondo also said the Constitutional Court which is the highest would approach to issue Zuma with an order forcing him to appear at the inquiry.

“I’m going to determine other dates when Mr Zuma must appear before this commission, the secretary will issue summons to be served on Mr Zuma to appear before this commission during those days,” Zondo said.

The state capture commission which has been investigating allegations of corruption and looting allegedly occurred during Zuma’s administration for two years is expected to conclude its work early in 2021.