Trump fires top cybersecurity official who contradicted fraud claims

Washington, Nov. 18, (dpa/GNA) – US President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired Chris Krebs, a top cybersecurity official who has rebuffed the president’s unfounded claims of wide-spread voter fraud in the presidential election.

Trump announced the firing by tweet, saying Krebs, who heads the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), made “highly inaccurate” statements about the election.

Last week Krebs’s agency said the 2020 election was “the most secure in American history.” Krebs has also taken to Twitter to refute false claims of election fraud that are often promoted by the president.

As head of CISA Krebs was one of the top officials working to secure voting infrastructure against foreign interference and fraud.

Trump has been seeking to overturn the election, which was called for president-elect Joe Biden by all the major media outlets, claiming that voting around the country was “rigged” against him.

Trump’s lawyers are fighting results in courts in multiple states, without any success, while states face deadlines in early December to officially certify their election results.