Iran hopes for change in US policy after Biden win

Tehran, Nov. 8, (dpa/GNA) – Iran hopes for a change in US policy following Joe Biden’s electoral victory against Donald Trump in the presidential election, the Islamic Republic’s vice president Eshaq Jahangiri tweeted Sunday.

“The era of Donald Trump and his adventurous and warmongering team is finally over … we hope that the US will now change its destructive policies,” Jahangiri said further.

The United States ought to return to its international obligations after the election, the Iranian official asserted.

Iran was particularly concerned, as President Hassan Ruhani also mentioned on Saturday, with a US return to the Iran nuclear deal agreement and the lifting of sanctions, Jahangiri continued.

US President Donald Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal in 2018, which was supposed to ensure that Iran only uses its nuclear program with a low level of uranium enrichment for civil purposes and cannot build an atomic bomb. He also imposed new sanctions on Iran.

These plunged the country into the worst economic crisis in its history, which was exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. If the sanctions are lifted, oil exports, Iran’s most important source of income, could also pick up again.