People of Akramang get CHPS compound

Nsawam (E/R), June 30, GNA – A CHPS compound, nurses’ quarters and a mechanized borehole has been inaugurated for the people of Akramang in the Nsawam-Adoagyiri Municipality of the Eastern Region.

The project was funded by the Australian High Commission in Ghana with support from the Nsawam-Adoagyiri Municipal Assembly in partnership with the Ark Development Organisation (formerly AMPA Resource Organisation), an Nsawam-based non-governmental organization.

Mr Isaac Kwadwo Buabeng, the Municipal Chief Executive for Nsawam-Adoagyiri, speaking to the Ghana News Agency, commended the Member of Parliament for the area, Mr Frank Annoh-Dompreh, the Ark Development Organisation and the people for their support in the provision of the facilities.

He said the CHPS compound would be of great assistance to health delivery within the Akramang Electoral Area which is currently serving as a COVID-19 treatment centre in the municipality.

Mr Emmanuel K. Mintah, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ark Development Organization, said its organisation’s social interventions ranges from education, health, human rights and environmental issues; and are geared to improve the lives of the citizenry.

He said they have supported communities such as Kwame Ntow with the provision of places of convenience and rehabilitation of school blocks and that the organization was vigorously working to provide more development projects in the Nsawam-Adoagyiri Municipality.

“We are doing all these through the support of the Australian High Commission in Ghana,” he said, and appealed to philanthropists and donors to partner with them to enhance the living standards of the people.