African Forum petitions USA Embassy over Floyd’s killers

Accra, June 2, GNA – The Diaspora African Forum (DAF), have presented a petition to the American Embassy in Accra to register it’s disapproval of the murder of George Floyd unarmed African American by armed Police officers in Minnesota on May 25.

The group called on all Agencies and Departments of Justice in the United States to do more than just arrest, but prosecute perpetrators of the murder of Floyd, an African American.
The DAF, an African Union Non-governmental Organisation presented the petition after holding memorial and funeral service, saying Floyd deserved not just an arrest of the murderers, but the prosecution of all involved in his murder.

Mr Rabi Kohen, Chairman of the PANAFEST Foundation who spoke on behalf of the forum said his murder has sent the whole world into a state of sorrow.

He said across all States and Communities in the USA, the pain of the African American community and the pain of the families and people of Africa descent have reached a level where the cup was filled and running over.

“The virus of white supremacy that has reduced the value of African lives throughout centuries and has now reached the fullest of its time, but we are saying enough is enough,” he said.

He said “We cannot continue to sit down and be quiet, while centuries of generations of this pain continue to mount up. We are not new to this experience, but want to be new to renew our minds to bring it to another level, where we say never again means never again.”

Mr Kohen said there was a list so many black people who have gone through the same ordeal is memorial, saying it didn’t make any difference who you are, but when you are a black man you become a victim and being convicted because of the colour of their skin and origin.

“No one should make a mistake, Africans remain Africans no matter where they find themselves, so when they are victimized for the colour of their skin or origin they owe it to their ancestors to end the cycle of pain.”
He said in 2019 Ghana proclaimed the “Year of Return” and the commemoration of 400 years, as a way of ending the cycle of pain and now we have been put to the test.

“Are we the generation that can cross that line and make sure that we would not tolerate this again. As African people, we will bring ourselves to another level of consciousness and responsibility to make sure that we do all that is within our power to do for our generation.”

He said they would not allow any African anywhere in the world to be touched, victimized, disrespected, and would not sit and look on television and see it as an entertainment, but would air their voice to add-up to all the voices that were rising today and for the past few days.

Madam Erieka Bennett, Head of Mission, DAF expressed appreciation to all African Americans, who massed up show solidarity and for not remaining silent and not sitting down in the comfort of their home in this current situation.

She said “it is important for our brothers and sisters out there to know that Africa is not silent, but we are partnering them in the pain. This is not a demonstration, but a funeral to mourn the lives of our brothers and sisters who have been executed in the United States”.

Mr Akwesi Agyemang, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) said it was time for us as humans to treat each other with respect, assuring the DAF of the GTAs support, in this endeavour.