Court jails farmer 10 years for defiling sister-in-law

Cape Coast, May 13, GNA – Kwasi Anful, alias “Kaliwashanshanko”, a 26-year-old farmer who defiled his wife’s 12-year-old sister at Assin Kwasi-Adukrom in the Assin North District has been jailed 10 years by a Circuit Court in Cape Coast.

The convict who appeared remorseful of his act pleaded with the Court to be lenient with him.

Mrs Dorinda Smith Arthur, the presiding Judge in passing sentence said she took into consideration the frankness of the convict in admitting the crime.

The court was however baffled as to how the convict could have sexual intercourse with his sister in-law in the bush against all Ghanaian traditional and religious values and laws.

Prosecuting, Inspector Gilbert Ayongo said Mr Prince Owusu, a driver and a Unit Committee member in the community was the complainant.

He said the convict resides in the same village with his wife, two children and the victim.

The Prosecution said on Saturday, April 18, at about 0500 hours the convict together with the victim went to the convict’s farm in search of mushrooms.

He said on their way the convict passed through a friend’s farm and took some local gin “Akpeteshi” before proceeding to his farm.

He said on reaching the farm, the convict grabbed the victim, removed her dress and forcibly had sexual intercourse with her as she shouted severally for help.

He said after the act, the convict begged the victim not to disclose it to anyone but the victim later disclosed it to a witness who informed the complainant.

Mr Ayongo said the complainant in turn informed the Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Police leading to his arrest.