Ketu South Assembly asked to commission completed maternity block

Lente-Wute (VR), May 04, GNA – Staff of Lente-Wute Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) compound in the Ketu South Municipality are asking the Assembly to commission a newly constructed maternity block for use.

They said the current CHPS compound with limited blocks cannot cater to the about 5,000 clients who visit the place to access healthcare, especially maternal health.

The clients are mostly from all seven communities including Aveyiborme, Afornyokope, Kluvikope, Agbakukope, and Wute in the Yame Electoral Area in addition to Wudoaba and surrounding communities in neighbouring Togo.

A visit by the Ghana News Agency to the place showed that the newly constructed ultra-modern six-unit maternity block with ancillary facilities expected to serve as labour ward, delivery room, lie-in room, midwife’s office, and storeroom was not operational.

Though the new facility lacked the appropriate furnishing and not officially in use, the GNA observed that it is somehow serving the purpose for which a philanthropist advanced money for its construction, with a mother lying on a mat with her newly born baby in one of the rooms.

Madam Joan Katapu, the Midwife in charge of the facility, explained she had to transfer the new mother there to allow for space to see to other clients, adding, “I can’t even talk about the pressure the delay in commissioning this new block is putting on me and my other colleague.

She said, “Just three days ago, we had four deliveries in a day and it was really stressful because where to keep the new mothers for observation, the others that are due for delivery and all that became an issue.

“In March, we had a total of 28 deliveries and this April, we already had 21 and expecting more because some expectant mothers came this morning and due to the absence of waiting room, I asked them to go and come back later.

“We are ever ready, day and night to help our mothers and we keep encouraging them to always report at the facility but our challenge here has to do with space and that’s why I’m appealing to the Health Directorate and the Assembly to provide beds and other necessary equipment to make the new place operational.”

Mr Elliot Agbenorwu, Ketu South Municipal Chief Executive, however, said the maternity facility was yet to be completed and handed over to the Assembly and that once that was done, it would be made operational.