COVID 19: Churches in Akatsi South adhere to President’s directive

Akatsi (V/R), March 22, GNA – The Christian community in the Akatsi South District of the Volta Region on Sunday adhered to President Akufo-Addo’s directive on suspending social gatherings, including church services, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

At 0830 hours, the usual sounds from churches during worship were absent with most fellowship centres being left vacant.

The Ghana News Agency, during a visit to the Church of Pentecost, Tatorme Central Assembly, saw the main gates to the auditorium locked as at 1100 hours.

The situation at the Akatsi Christ the King Roman Catholic (RC) Church was not different as it was virtually empty at the time of visit.

Reverend Father Emmanuel Kpodo, the Cathedral Administrator of the Church, told the GNA that “We are going by the directives from the President and the Catholic Church is doing just that.”

However, he said, some few individuals who would want to have a quiet and personal time with God could enter the cathedral for that task.

Churches the GNA visited include The Global Evangelical Church, Evangelical Presbyterian (EP) Church, Assemblies of God Church, The Church of Conquerors International, The Lord’s Pentecostal Church International, Apostolic Church, Apostolic Vision Church International, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the Evangelical Royal Generation Church, where there were no activity whatsoever.

Pastor Francis Gasu, the Head Pastor of the Church of Conquerors International, noted that: “The directive doesn’t mean we should not seek God’s face.”

“As Christians, we continue to seek God’s intervention through intense prayers, while affirming our trust and hope in Him for complete redemption from this canker threatening the health, stability, and peace of this country and the international community,” he said.

The GNA also observed that centres such as drinking bars, restaurants and game joints were also recording low patronage.