Konor-Kofe benefits from IHM mechanised water system  

By Daniel Agbesi Latsu  

Konor-Kofe (V/R), Sept 2, GNA-International Help of Missionaries (IHM) Inc, New York, a USA-based foundation, has commissioned a mechanised water system for the people of Konor-Kofe, a farming community in the Agortime -Ziope District of the Volta Region. 

Reverend Fr. Dr Cletus Kwame Forson, Volunteer and Trustee of IHM, commissioning the facility on behalf of Mr Donald Maguotta, the President of IHM, said the facility was funded by IHM Inc, New York, USA, with financial assistance from Mr Peter Stamm, a donor, St. Gabriel’s Society, Students and Parishioners of Sacred Hearts Glendale, New York, USA. 

He asked the beneficiaries to handle the facility with care and maintain it. 

“We are entrusting the project into your hand, use it judiciously and maintain it”, he said. 

Rev. Fr. Dr. Forson said pupils in New York contributed to the project, so they should support each other no matter how little it was just like Donald Magoutta and those pupils have done. 

“It is a fact of story that helps get this project,” he told the gathering. 

Rev. Fr. Dr Forson asked them to practice the “Pay as You Fetch” system so that the revenue generated could be used to pay electricity bills and maintenance of the facility to prolong its lifespan and for generations yet unborn to also come and benefit. 

Mr. Peter Stamm, a Teacher and Financier, said they heard of the community’s plight and decided to support it.  

He said children and the poor of the poorest in New York contributed to the project, so there was the need to be one other’s keeper. 

Mr. Stamm asked them to use the facility well and with love. 

Torgbui Amudzegbe IV, Chief of Wekor, commended IHM Inc. for the facility. 

He said hitherto, the residents depended on River Tordzi for water, which they shared with cattle. 

Torgbui Amudzegbe said, as a result, residents suffered from water borne diseases such as diarrhea, skin rashes, among others and that with the provision of the facility those diseases would not exist. 

He also appealed for the same facility for Nonripe, Wekor, Adidokpui, Adzorvi, among other communities that are currently experiencing water problems. 

The facility is valued at GH¢70,000.00.