Agbledomi residents appeal for water, electricity extension

By Evans Worlanyo Ameamu

Keta (VR), Sept 1, GNA- Residents of Agbledomi, a farming community in the Anloga District of the Volta Region, have appealed to the Government to assist them with the extension of electricity and water to the area.

The appeal comes as a result of the limited supply of water and electricity in the community.

Mr Jasper Agbanator, the assembly member, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, lamented the difficulties the residents faced because of the lack of those essential commodities.

“There is high youth unemployment since we lack water and electricity supply in most parts of the communities, with about 75 per cent of the over 7000 residents here having no access to electricity and potable water,” he said.

The situation became dire during the dry season as they were left with no option but to resort to dirty water from wells, he said.

Mr Agbanator expressed worry over inadequate textbooks and furniture, lack of computer laboratory, school infrastructure, as well as renovation of some facilities for effective teaching and learning in the schools there.

“Volta Senior High, the only SHS we have here can only boast of three classroom blocks with no fence wall,” he said.

Mr Freedom Vitashie, one of the community leaders at Agbledomi, told the GNA that the town lost resources due to absence of water and electricity.

He appealed to the Ghana Water Company, the Electricity Company of Ghana, non-governmental organisations, philanthropists, and individuals for support.

Some fisherfolks and farmers lamented the lack of premix fuel and fertilizer supply to improve their activities and called for government’s assistance.