Parliament reconstitutes Advisory Committee 

By Iddi Yire

Accra, Feb 17, GNA – Parliament on Friday reconstituted its Committee to advise the Speaker on the appointment of other members of the Parliamentary Service Board. 

The membership of the reconstituted advisory Committee include: Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, the Majority Leader and Leader of Government Business, Dr Cassiel Ato Baah Forson, the Minority Leader, Mr Alexander Kwamina Afenyo-Markin, the Deputy Majority Leader and Mr Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah, the Deputy Minority Leader. 

Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, in moving the motion for adoption by the House, said the reason for reconstituting the advisory Committee was due to the changes in the Leadership of the Parliamentary Caucus of the National Democratic Congress (NDC). 

“Mr Speaker, you will recall that at the commencement of this Meeting, specifically on the 7th of February, 2023, you informed this House of the receipt of a communication from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) notifying Parliament of changes in the Leadership of the Minority Caucus,” he said. 

He noted that the changes led to a replacement of among others of the Leader of the NDC Minority Caucus, Mr Haruna Iddrisu with Dr Cassiel Ato Baah Forson. 

“Ordinarily by convention and practice of this House overtime, a change in the Leader of the Caucus has resulted in the corresponding change in the Membership of the Parliamentary Service Board,” Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu said. 

“Mr Speaker, Section of the Parliamentary Service Act 1993 (Act 460) provides that “The Board shall consist of the Speaker, a Chairman four other members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Speaker acting in accordance with advice of the Committee of Parliament”. 

He said acting in pursuance of the above provisions and of the long standing conventions and practices of the House, it was proposed for the consideration of the House the above mentioned members to constitute the Committee that would advise the Speaker on the appointment of the suitable persons to fill the vacancy occasioned in the membership of the Parliamentary Service Board with the change of the Minority Leader, Mr Haruna Iddrisu. 

Mr Buah, who seconded the motion, reiterated that reconstituting the Committee was due to the creation of a gap, which had been occasioned by the recent changes in the Leadership of the Minority that was announced by the NDC with Dr Forson as the new Minority Leader.