AngloGold Ashanti partners GIZ to enhance maternal and child health campaign 

Obuasi (Ash), Oct. 16, GNA – AngloGold Ashanti Ghana, Obuasi Mine, has partnered develoPPP health, a Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) health programme, to launch a campaign on infection prevention and control for improved maternal and child health at Obuasi in the Ashanti Region. 

Ghana’s maternal mortality rate stands at 310 per 100,000 live births as against the accepted standard of 70 per 100,000 live births by the World Health Organisation.  

As part of their contribution to reduce the rate of maternal mortality in the country and Obuasi in particular, the two bodies have launched a training programme in infection management for selected nurses and midwives. 

A total of 85 health workers drawn from the Obuasi East District and Obuasi Municipal would benefit from the training aimed at improving the health of children and women within the two jurisdictions. 

Mr Emmanuel Baidoo, the Senior Manager, Sustainability AngloGold Ashanti, at the launch of the programme, underscored the need to build the capacity of health professionals, especially nurses and midwives, to promote maternal and child health. 

He said the promotion of children and maternal health featured prominently in AngloGold Ashanti’s social development outcomes under the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Plan, targeted at improving quality health care delivery at Obuasi.  

Mr Baidoo indicated that the company was also focused on providing medical equipment and support beyond the training for other government health facilities in and around Obuasi.  

“Two years ago, we completed and handed over a maternity block with the State of the Arts equipment for the Obuasi Government Hospital.  We will continue in our quest to contribute immensely to healthcare delivery for our people,” he said. 

Dr Paul Okyere, a Lecturer, Department of Health Promotion and Education, School of Public Health, KNUST, said it was important to build the capacity of healthcare professionals as far as maternal and child health was concerned.  

As part of the campaign, a series of sensitisation programmes had been lined up, including playing of jingles on community information centers as well as radio discussions on infection prevention. 

Madam Margaret Yaa Manu, the Obuasi Municipal Health Director, said it was important for health professionals to undertake refresher courses for efficient service delivery, hence the training to protect mothers and babies from infections including COVID-19.