Technician jailed 10 years for publicising woman’s nude videos

Accra, March 13, GNA – Prince Savor, a CCTV Camera Technician, who published nude videos of a businesswoman on a website, has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment by an Accra Circuit Court.

Sevor has been ordered to pay GHC10,000 as compensation to the woman for the trauma caused her.

This was after the court, presided over by Mrs Christina Cann, has found him guilty on charges of non-consensual sharing of intimate videos and four counts of sexual extortion.

Prosecuting, Chief Inspector Agartha Asantewaa narrated that the complainant (name withheld), is a businesswoman at Abor in the Volta Region.

Accused, now a convict, also resided at Akatsi in the same region.

Prosecution said in May 2021, Sevor found the MTN number of the complainant on her Facebook page and used a UK number; +447514044792 to contact her on her WhatsApp.

Prosecution said Sevor posed as a female by name Richael Hughes of Mozambique but a resident in the UK.

He and the complainant became good friends and the two started chatting via WhatsApp.

In the course of their friendship, Sevor lured the complainant to send her nude videos and the complainant obliged thinking that Sevor was a female.

Prosecution said Sevor secretly also screen recorded the complainant during one of their WhatsApp video calls while she was naked.

It said when he got hold of the nude videos, he used a different WhatsApp account to chat with the complainant and he introduced himself as one John Mawuenyaga.

Sevor told the complainant that he hacked her WhatsApp account to get her nude videos.

Prosecution said Sevor then sent the nude videos to the complainant and threatened her to pay him GHC5,000 else he would publish same on social media.

The complainant pleaded with the convict and she gave him GHC2,000 and she made the payment in two tranches, GHC750 and GHC1,250 on May 17 and 18, 2021, respectively.

The complainant, after paying the GHC2,000, blocked the number of the accused so he could not reach her to collect his GHC3,000 balance.

Sevor then went ahead and published the conplainant’s video on website.

Prosecution said he sent the videos to two witnesses in the case and asked them to inform the complainant to bring the GHC3,000.

On June 10, 2021, Prosecution said the Director General of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ghana Police Service was petitioned.

On August 10, 2021, Sevor was arrested at Akatsi when he collected another GHC500 from the victim.


Technician jailed 10 years for publicising woman’s nude videos

Accra, March 13, GNA – Prince Savor, a CCTV Camera Technician, who published nude videos of a businesswoman on a website, has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment by an Accra Circuit Court.

Sevor has been ordered to pay GHC10,000 as compensation to the woman for the trauma caused her.

This was after the court, presided over by Mrs Christina Cann, has found him guilty on charges of non-consensual sharing of intimate videos and four counts of sexual extortion.

Prosecuting, Chief Inspector Agartha Asantewaa narrated that the complainant (name withheld), is a businesswoman at Abor in the Volta Region.

Accused, now a convict, also resided at Akatsi in the same region.

Prosecution said in May 2021, Sevor found the MTN number of the complainant on her Facebook page and used a UK number; +447514044792 to contact her on her WhatsApp.

Prosecution said Sevor posed as a female by name Richael Hughes of Mozambique but a resident in the UK.

He and the complainant became good friends and the two started chatting via WhatsApp.

In the course of their friendship, Sevor lured the complainant to send her nude videos and the complainant obliged thinking that Sevor was a female.

Prosecution said Sevor secretly also screen recorded the complainant during one of their WhatsApp video calls while she was naked.

It said when he got hold of the nude videos, he used a different WhatsApp account to chat with the complainant and he introduced himself as one John Mawuenyaga.

Sevor told the complainant that he hacked her WhatsApp account to get her nude videos.

Prosecution said Sevor then sent the nude videos to the complainant and threatened her to pay him GHC5,000 else he would publish same on social media.

The complainant pleaded with the convict and she gave him GHC2,000 and she made the payment in two tranches, GHC750 and GHC1,250 on May 17 and 18, 2021, respectively.

The complainant, after paying the GHC2,000, blocked the number of the accused so he could not reach her to collect his GHC3,000 balance.

Sevor then went ahead and published the conplainant’s video on website.

Prosecution said he sent the videos to two witnesses in the case and asked them to inform the complainant to bring the GHC3,000.

On June 10, 2021, Prosecution said the Director General of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ghana Police Service was petitioned.

On August 10, 2021, Sevor was arrested at Akatsi when he collected another GHC500 from the victim.